Benefits of the Enhanced Zone
The Enhanced Zone has been created for those individuals who want to arm themselves with even more tools to fight back against their stress.
Please click each icon for more information on the benefits of using the Enhanced Zone.
In addition to all the Free Zone materials, the Enhanced Zone offers access to:

Enhanced Booklets
Longer and more informative booklets and additional supplements that focus on particularly important themes.

Session Reviews
Interactive reviews of each session allow you to recap on what you have learned. Videos are introduced by Dr Jim White, creator of Stress Control.

Relaxation & Mindfulness
A much greater range of relaxation and mindfulness tracks to let you decide what works best for you. On some tracks you can set your rate of breathing, duration of the track and choose between a male or female voice.

Self Assessment Zone
Complete questionnaires measuring your anxiety, depression, wellbeing and alcohol use in order to help you set your goals and monitor your progress.

Bonus Materials
Additional information about stress that, hopefully, you will find informative, interesting and useful.
When you sign up you will receive a personal login so all your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.
It costs £20 for a six-month membership to the Enhanced Zone.
If you would like join, please click here.
If you would like join, please click here.